Tag Archive for: Digitalization


In the previous blog article on challenges in business, we established that digital collaboration and “connecting people” communicatively are among the absolute basics for mastering the challenges of today.

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With the pandemic, climate change and the financial crisis, we will also be living in challenging times in 2022. How is your business affected?
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It has always taken a clear company strategy to sustain a successful company. After all, this has always been at the core of your success. However, one year ago, the world was turned upside down. At the onset of the pandemic, most of us probably thought that it was simply a passing phase, that we could sit out the crisis and we could quickly return back to our old daily routines. Read more

After the umpteenth lockdown, on-line selling or remote selling has become more or less routine for us all. Most people have come to terms with it, a few have really got to love it!
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After the lively interest in our field report on online workshops, Harald Karrer and I would like to respond to the request to give our recommendations on the online tools we use. You may also want to consider this as a small input to promote ‘digital competence’ in companies and to underline the importance of this topic.

Appropriate preparation was essential, to gain practical experience in the moderator team in the use of online tools for creative teamwork in online workshops.

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Today, together with Harald Karrer, I would like to report on an experience we had together last week: the implementation of a three-day strategy workshop for a company in the Gulf region, entirely in remote mode. A total of 3 countries, 5 locations and 10 people with 7 nationalities were involved.

(by Christof Sauke and Harald Karrer)
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The particular importance of sales for successful business results in many markets arises from an increasing glut and competition for products and services, worldwide. Hence, the quality of market and customer processing is becoming more and more important.

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A great deal has already been written and reported about digitalization. Even before COVID-19, digitalization’s seen as a vital success factor for business. For digitalization has a lot to do with communication and information which are admittedly critical success factors for businesses. I also illustrate the way success factors are interrelated with the diamond success compass practice model. Information and communication can be extremely efficient in digital forms.

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If your road is suddenly blocked, you have to look for alternative routes to reach your destination. The lockdown measures of the current Corona crisis is a perfect example of this. If we look back to the financial crisis of 2007/08, we can see how many businesses from all over the world were subsequently forced to change the way they looked at their businesses. Read more