It is especially important for enterprises to look into the question of culture when wishing to internationalize their business. For people need culture to develop themselves and unfold.
General cultural prerequisites e.g. language, behavior, world-view, are already inherent through where we are born and our socialization.
In a business context, company culture is particularly significant. However, it is only indirectly influenceable.
The word “culture” comes from Latin and means “to cultivate,” “to care for” and “to respect”. According to an accredited explanatory model, company culture extends over several different levels (Edgar Schein). Company culture becomes visible in the conduct of co-workers, for example, in the way they communicate. On a deeper level, the values and norms or assumptions of what is regarded as right and important, such as trust, appreciation, handling information or how decisions are made, are overlying.
We support you in the process allowing “culture” to grow in your enterprise as a basis for internationalization and create general conditions which can, in turn, free up enormous leverage. And not only your international business will profit from this!