diamond success compass (Our Concept)

diamond: success compass

Practice-oriented consultancy

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diamond: success is a practice model, which specifies the fundamental success factors for setting up international business. It is based on a comprehensive business approach which integrates the diverse functions and disciplines of an enterprise and is orientated towards business success.  It is essential for international business, yet, ultimately works as a catalyst for any form of business.


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Here you can find out more on the “basic points” of the diamond: success model:

Basis: Vision + Leadership

  1. Goals, Strategies + Planning
  2. People + Organization
  3. Communication + Information
  4. Infrastructure + Digitalization
  5. Change + Transformation

Catalyst: Company Culture

The Customer at Centre Stage: Customer Centricity

The paramount task is to create the conditions for a company culture which encourages its organization and people to make change and transformation a force which drives success.

The model presents a general framework for orientation and action. All individual factors mentioned above are extremely multifaceted and need to be handled in an individual, comprehensive and continuous way. We gladly support you in achieving this.

Basis: Vision and Leadership

The successful and superior way to lead a team

Internationalzation needs a vision  and a goal, respectively. Otherwise, any company can easily lose themselves in a universe comprising possibilities of internationalization and spread themselves too thinly on the world market. Such a goal can also be a fixed star and at the same time, a mainspring for your organization. Business is generated only when your visions and goals are actually implemented. This is often where it fails.

Besides, internationalization is not a discipline for a lone warrior!  Only a well-rehearsed team will be able to manage positively the diverse, tasks and success factors, which are often dependent on each other.  This requires leadership! Everything starts when a business has a clear vision as to where the journey is going. This responsibility lies mostly with the owner, the executives and the top management respectively.

A concrete vision, which can be implemented through leadership skills, is the best basis for the whole endeavor towards internationalization in business!

1. Goals, Strategies and Planning

The question of where to and how to get there

Nobody sets off on a journey without having a destination in mind. A clear definition of this is therefore a basic requirement to be able to steer towards the destination and actually reach it. This may sound mundane, yet, the definition of realistic goals can really be a major challenge, especially when there aren’t any reference points to guide you.  In practice, this fact is often not given enough attention. Subsequently, the development of a strategy is missed. This is how each internationalization project and any opportunities connected to it can rapidly become an incalculable risk for an enterprise. The formulation of realistic goals is also critical for the motivation of your team.

We support you in the implementation of the necessary process for the development of goals and strategies!

Goals and strategies are developed according to a clear, specified process. We support you in the implementation of this process in your company and the content of it.

2. People and Organization

People, structures and processes

Enterprises wishing to internationalize their business and, with this, enjoy good prospects of growth or indeed have already experienced significant growth in business, can initially look positively to the future. However, growth must be organized! This is even more so here, as internationalization increases the complexity in an enterprise, as a rule. The organization faces new challenges and must be developed step by step with a great deal of foresight. Structures and Processes, depending on the development phase the enterprise is in, have to be established or customized and anchored in the company.

Every organization can only be as good as the people who form them and fill them with life. Competent co-workers are indispensable. With the increasing speed of change in markets, technical and social basic conditions, a further factor is becoming more and more crucial: the basic vision of co-workers to see change as chance for every form of further development!


Targeted digitalization can also help optimize structures and processes in a sustainable way. We will lead you and your team in such a way that your business will be secured longterm in its competitiveness and it will keep growing!

3. Communication and Information

Good communication as a program of efficiency for your enterprise

Good communication is a basic prerequisite for successful teamwork. This may sound mundane, yet, its implementation is critical. In the broadest sense, it concerns the successful transfer, the reception and the comprehension of communication content.

Good communication is even more important if you want to internationalize your business. For here, in addition to the usual requirements, language and cultural aspects also need to be considered, which can impede communication. This applies to communication both inside and outside of your company and concerns co-workers, customers and partners alike.


Increases efficiency and creates a competition edge

Efficiency booster: good communication makes your organization and its players operate more dynamic and agile, so your company is always one step ahead of the competition.

Increases security

Good communication makes your company more secure as the risk of misunderstanding is reduced. Good communication is essential particularly when dealing with important topics which concern the security and success of your company.

Professional and motivating

Good communication is a sign of professionalism and appreciation. This motivates your co-workers, clients, and partners.

Cutting costs

Good communication is the best program for cutting costs!

4. Infrastructure and Digitalization

Increased efficiency, more sales!

A good infrastructure and digitalization is a basic requirement for internationalization. This affects the processes and the communication within the company as well as the interfaces to clients and partners.

Digitalization is also a critical success factor for national and regional sales processes. The behavior of buyers and sellers is changing faster than ever all over the world and this development has just begun.

The future success of the internationalization of your company demands a whole strategy where digitalization has to play a key role. Digitalization is therefore a top executive task!

More efficiency, fewer costs

Digitalization in sales is a measure which medium-term leads to an increase in efficiency and cost cutting. Digitalization reduces manual work in data management and its analysis and subsequently saves on personnel capacity and costs. The ensuing surplus capacity can be invested in active sales activity encouraging more business growth.

Sales and client management

It is important to always have the key success factors in sight for the management of sales teams. Digitalization is an important requirement for being kept up to date in real time and for being able to actively intervene. The same is true for managing clients. Digitalization is a practical help to process client strategies and prepare for appointments with them.

Competitive advantages

The multitude of brands, clients and competition data in every company, can be structured in a digital form and analyzed in marketing and sales. This is a quick way to facilitate figures, data and fact-based decisions and thus increases the competitive capacity of your company.

Focussing on the essential

In the course of the digitalization of a company in sales, the clients take center stage and the whole organization is oriented towards the client (Customer Centricity). Combined correctly in the diverse areas of operation in the company this creates a leverage which frees up considerable potential for growth in sales.

5. Change and Transformation

Leading change processes

Internationalization needs development and change. Even the most successful business in the domestic market cannot be rolled out or “exported” to other countries and continents without any modifications.

Internationalization and change are extremely closely connected. It is obvious that we must consider what the powers are that create changes and how the change processes can be successfully introduced into your organization. And also that the ability alone of your organization to manage change positively and actively is a longterm deciding factor of the success of your company, independently from the internationalization of it.

Change and transformation are distinguished by the approach taken as a basis for any modification. In simple terms, change processes are developed from the present, whilst transformation processes are derived from the future.

Perceiving change positively

When change and transformation are positively perceived in a company and by co-workers, they can release unexpected power and energy.

Culture makes the difference

Whether change and transformation are positively perceived is strongly dependent on the culture of a company.

Communication counts

Communication is the key to the positive management of change and transformation.

Change is nothing to fear

Where there is an urgent need for change, and it does not take place, questions will be raised and this could create fear.

Catalyst: Company Culture

The ground on which international business grows

It is especially important for enterprises to look into the question of culture when wishing to internationalize their business. For people need culture to develop themselves and unfold. 

General cultural prerequisites e.g. language, behavior, world-view, are already inherent through where we are born and our socialization.

In a business context, company culture is particularly significant. However, it is only indirectly influenceable.

The word “culture” comes from Latin and means “to cultivate,” “to care for” and “to respect”. According to an accredited explanatory model, company culture extends over several different levels (Edgar Schein). Company culture becomes visible in the conduct of co-workers, for example, in the way they communicate. On a deeper level, the values and norms or assumptions of what is regarded as right and important, such as trust, appreciation, handling information or how decisions are made, are overlying.

We support you in the process allowing “culture” to grow in your enterprise as a basis for internationalization and create general conditions which can, in turn, free up enormous leverage. And not only your international business will profit from this!

Are you interested in profiting from our concepts and implementing them? Write to us!

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