Tag Archive for: communication


With the pandemic, climate change and the financial crisis, we will also be living in challenging times in 2022. How is your business affected?
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Visually developed and presented concepts can be extremely helpful and effective in digital communication and remote selling.
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Boring presentations are OUT!

In the old days (before Covid-19), people did not dare to leave the room during battles of endless, boring PowerPoints. They persevered to the end, politely applauding when it was over.

Now, those days are gone! Either people simply leave the virtual room or they get on with other work having turned off their camera and microphone. Whatever message the presenter wanted to communicate… has faded away into the universe of virtual communication! Read more

Putting the customer in the focus of entrepreneurial activity is nothing new. Not only with the definition of ‘marketing’ as an independent business discipline, companies systematically deal with the question who the customers are and what their needs are. Read more

COVID-19 has put us all into a worldwide crisis situation virtually overnight.

Wherever people interact with each other, especially in times of crisis, it becomes obvious who we can rely on. This is true in politics, in organizations and companies, among friends and in the family. Read more