Hybrid Selling (B2B)

How to successfully sell in hybrid mode

Series of 3 Workshops:

What is Hybrid Selling?

Hybrid Selling describes a sales system that is driven through two different approaches: firstly, by remote sales processes in the broader sense (incl. omnichannel marketing and social media) and secondly, by in person sales activities (physical presence). In short, Hybrid Selling combines both approaches in a way that optimizes the overall sales process and result.

Overall workshop objectives

  • to learn about the concept of hybrid selling
  • building awareness and changing perspectives to use hybrid selling in the optimal way
  • practice in your team to systematically improving sales effectiveness and results
  • train related techniques according to your specific needs
Hybrid Selling Illustration

Hybrid Sales in 3 Modules


½ day

Hybrid Selling Basics

  • Digital fitness for remote selling: technology & tools
  • Digitalization marketing & sales
  • Customer journey, sales efficiency digital sales advantages
  • Senses and perception in hybrid
  • Positioning, presenting, preparing


2 x ½ day
Training & Workshop

Purchaser’s Perspective and Andvanced Techniques

  • Purchasers’ perspective on remote buying: categories & strategies
  • Customer portfolio: in person vs. remote
  • Building trust & relationship
  • Managing conflicts in remote meetings
  • Hybrid presentation techniques
  • Orchestrating hybrid sales



Omnichannel, Great Sales Tools and more

  • CRM & Co.
  • Omnichannel design
  • MBTI application for sales
  • Stakeholder mapping
  • Remote sales & account team collaboration
  • Value selling and value touch down


Corporate sales and marketing teams in regional, international or global organizations. Ideal number of participants: 8 to 12, max up to 20.


Languages: English or German.
3 modules which can be inndividually booked according to your needs.


To be individually arranged.


Christof Sauke and Dr. Ralf Schmidt


Providing detailed insights regarding content, methods and technology to find your optimal arrangement.


According to your individual workshop requirements, on request.

Future Perfect Business Channel eCommerce

Your Trainers

Christof Sauke

More than 20 years of experience in leading positions in the international consumer goods industry. Consultancy specialties are in the fields of international business development, cross-cultural management, marketing and sales. Certified business coach and specifically educated in systemic company development and visual communication. The usage of online tools for effective and better team collaboration and co-creation is his newest field of interest.

Dr. Ralf Schmidt

Dr. Ralf Schmidt

B2B Marketing & Sales Excellence expert with a focus on the chemical industry and more than 25 years of experience in the fields of B2B Marketing, Pricing, Sales Excellence, Sales Enablement & Coaching, Account Management, KAM and Value Selling. Myers Briggs Type Indicator® certified, hands-on and with a down-to-earth mentality.

Pre-Register for the workshop here

Are you interested in the workshop? Then fill out the form, please, and we will contact you to coordinate dates.
(Alternatively, you can also send an email to office@perspective-int.com)

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